Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 9:58AM
Jennifer in 2011, Books

One of my all-time favorite Disney moments - Beast revealing the palace library to Belle.

I'm pretty addicted to my Kindle. Can't get enough of it. However, there is simply no replacement for the look, feel, and smell of a cherished book. I grew up in a home filled with books, and find it extremely comforting to be surrounded by an abundance of wonderful literature. I have been building a collection of my own that will someday reside in a fabulous built-in library (complete with rolling ladder). Here are some novels that have claimed permanent estate on my shelves:

~ Childhood oldies but goodies ~

~ Gotta have my classics ~

Last but not least, my latest young adult obsession - the Hunger Games trilogy.

Ever found books you couldn't put down, all the while dreading the day you'd finish them?
I'd love to hear about your favorite reads!

Article originally appeared on by Jennifer Jeng (
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