M1 Camera Case in Walnut by Signi Case
People usually react with astonishment when they hear that I don’t have an iPhone. It’s pretty similar to the response I get when I tell them I’ve never watched Friends, Dirty Dancing, or Star Wars. I don’t know what I’ve been missing out on, but I’m about to find out - after years of Blackberries and Androids, I am finally switching to the iPhone this Friday!
I’m really looking forward to having faster Internet access, fun camera apps, and my favorite music on hand at all times. Most of all, I am super excited to explore a whole new world of beautiful iPhone accessories. I am loving these wooden/cork/textured covers and cases. They would beautifully balance the high-tech sleekness of the iPhone.

Chevron Mahogany Cover & Sapele wood Eiffel Tower sketch case on Etsy

Cork Ore cases by iWave

Adorable! Family and Octopuses by Grove

Gorgeous woven cases by Chilewich