Entries in Holidays (17)


Open Heart Surge

It might be "cool" to poo-poo Feburay 14th, but we should remember to celebrate love, because it is such a grand thing. Cherish the people around you, and spend time doing the things that make your heart sing. If you are fortunate enough to have met the right person, treasure your significant other. Savor the privilege of having the ability to love and be loved. Never take it for granted.

"What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.
It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love and it will decide everything."
- Pedro Arrupe


Cheers & Ciao!

2010 was a whirlwind of madness. I can hardly believe it's over! This past year, I found myself pulled in endless directions. Ignoring intuition, I jumped into a sea of commitments and obligations, and resurfaced physically and emotionally exhausted. I did not spend nearly enough time doing the things I love with the people I adore.

Recently, I have been challenging myself to sift through the chaos and pinpoint the burdens I need to surrender. As a result, I've discovered several ambitions I absolutely must embrace in order to live a happier, healthier, better life in 2011.

- Explore & indulge in whatever inspires me and spurs my passion for creativity, and refuse to feel guilty about it just because some people don't consider it "productive" or "relevant". I will do what I love, do it often, take chances, and make it worthwhile.

- Write! I write all day long for a job that does not allow me to exercise my imagination. I will purposely allocate the time and outlets necessary for the expression of my personal thoughts, ideas, and sentiments.

- Invest all my best into the people I love, and stretch myself to the fullest in each relationship. Be graceful, generous, supportive, and kind. And remember to forgive.

- Cultivate myself professionally, and intentionally pursue opportunities that excite me and will hopefully lead to a more fulfilling and rewarding career path.

I'm thankful for a fresh start, and beyond excited for the many wonderful things that await us!

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